Vocabulary tests occur on the second lesson of the week. If you don't do your homework, they are difficult to pass.
During the test, a lot of concentration is needed. So the Monday/Friday class always do their test in silence. The only sound to be heard is from the occasional rubbing of an eraser on paper.
Here's Angela, who likes to practice her English. Angela is saying "Hello Saha students!"
Here is some extension work from Memory Tera. The students were asked to come up with a happy ending for Shakespeare's Hamlet. In Sunny's story, every ends up having a party and getting married.
In Veronica's version of events, a good doctor brings the dead king back to life! If you study hard, you can be a good doctor too.
Here's Andrew and Annie from Birdie reading. They like to play with their phones during breaktimes because they are not allowed to turn them on during lesson. Do you always remember to turn your phone off during class?
Andrew likes to sit at the front of the class so that he can be closer to the action.
Here he is showing us his amazing drumming skills! If you would like to learn this from him, you can find him during breaktimes.
This institute is an English learning hagwon (학원), or 'cram school' that students attend in addition to their regular studies. The students range from pre-elementary level to high school age.
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